Do you own a potential strata property in Langley and want to maximize your profit? Are you looking to purchase a strata property and not sure how, where or how to begin? I can help. I specialize in buying and selling strata properties and will partner with you to navigate the process from start to finish.

Strata properties are an inexpensive way of splitting your property under the right zoning. For example, if you subdivided a one-acre parcel into two 1/2 acre lots, the fees incurred would be around $150,000, BUT stratifying would cost approximately $20,000, resulting in savings of $130,000.

Stratifying the lot increases the property value considerably, and it’s a cost-efficient way of increasing the value of your property.

I got involved with strata properties in 2007 through my friend Dave Robertson. Over the last 13 years, I have supported abundant clients in the stratification of their properties and strata conversions. I have participated in numerous successful and profitable transformations of properties. I am aligned with a select group of local, high-quality builders to help you build your dream home. 

What is a Langley 2 home strata lot?

A Langley 2 home strata lot is an RU zoned property outside of the ALR in Langley. This type of lot allows the owner to build two homes and then stratify to split the lot. It is possible to stratify properties under 2 acres in the ALR.  If you want to find out if your RU zoned lot can be stratified, please contact me. Let me do the research and save you the time and effort. 

How can I help you sell?

• I know how to successfully market strata properties to potential buyers to achieve the highest possible value to maximize your return on investment.

• I have builders and investors who are looking for these types of properties and will offer fair market value plus excellent terms for your convenience, such as rent backs or long closing dates.

• I have experience selling half or portions of strata lots.  Selling a part of a strata lot is complicated but doable. I have the expertise to ensure that your sale and contract are structured correctly to minimize potential difficulties or delays. 

How can I help you purchase?

• I have inside knowledge of off-market strata properties that are coming up soon due to many long term clients, both buyers and sellers, who let me know of upcoming properties that can be stratified.

• I have the contacts you need to make the strata process smooth and seamless.

• I have extensive knowledge of building spec and custom homes and can guide you throughout the entire process.

• If you are a builder wanting to build on spec, I have participated in the sale of countless spec builds and know what buyers want. 

I am here to answer your questions. Please feel free to give me a call at 604-790-0231 or fill out the form below.